Greetings and Welcome to our website:

Saudi Prepared Media Laboratory Company Ltd was established in 1984 in Riyadh to meet the Saudi Arabian Markets needs for commercially available Pre Prepared Culture Medium in the form of Agar Plates, Tubed and Bottle Media. In the 30 plus years the company has been operation SPML has established a leading brand in the market place with a reputation for quality media and a service formatted to meet our customer needs. The range of media is designed to provide our customers with a one point source of their media requirements to support the media supply side of the business Saudi Prepared media has distribution agreements with a range of well recognized high quality European and US brands such as Abtek Biologicals Ltd UK Microbiologics - USA, CHROMagar - France and E&O laboratories Ltd UK to provide items such as ATCC Culture Strains, Range of high Quality affordable antibiotic Discs and Identification strips, the original chromogenic media range by the pioneer of Chromogenic Media and Quality blood based product range etc. all designed to provide our customers a complete and effective service. For further information please contact customer service and see how we can help you.